The Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) is the legal industry's first and only organization focused exclusively on sales, service and quality issues in law departments and firms.

Thursday, January 3

Embracing (or bracing for) 2008

As LSSO members, guests and contributors make their way back to work for the New Year, new month, and new economic climate, I wonder- are you EMBRACING 2008, or BRACING for it? I am embracing it, but admittedly with some... hesitation.
I am an opti-realist. (I think I just made that word up!). Optimism is in my blood, and experience (aka reality) is in my head. If you listen to any media outlet speak about some key economic indicators, you hear them (in worried tones) pointing to the new home sales numbers. You may wonder how this relates to Legal Services sales and such- well, I think that the collective mindset of people in sales, marketing, and business development at this very early stage of a brand new year is a combination of hope for the next new client/ assignment or deal, and a sense of how realistic it might be in a new calendar year to grow. As an opti-realist, I just want to state (and as a result be held accountable for the statement) that I personally plan on embracing the New Year. I hope all bloggers and readers here join me, and embrace the coming year, by staying true to a desire to serve, a passion for fun in our work, and a decision at this point of the year to be clear on what we want to achieve.
So. What do you think? Will it be a banner year for selling, marketing, and closing deals for the Legal Field? Or will it be a year we should have braced for?

1 comment:

John Klymshyn said...

I am wondering how we get a larger audience for this blog....